Sunday, September 30, 2012

Paracon at the Gordonsville Exchange Hotel

Well here we are at day 2 of the 1st Annual Paracon at the Gordonsville Exchange Hotel and things are looking good. It's a little quiet right now but we are hoping that more people will begin to show up as the day moves forward. Met some wonderful people yesterday and will post more info about them and what we learned this week. Can't wait to learn more about paranormal investigating and how we can continue to improve how we serve our families and friends.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Introducing the Paracon at the Exchange!

It's been a busy year for all of us but that hasn't stopped us from enjoying a few ghost hunts. We've checked out a local battle field in Culpeper County, VA and of course we visited our favorite place again earlier this summer, the Gordonsville Exchange Hotel.

Speaking of the Gordonsville Exchange Hotel, for the first time ever our dear friend, Angel May is co-hosting   the Paracon at the Exchange Hotel on September 28th. It'll be a great event with guest speakers, vendors, ghost hunts, and raffle prizes. What a great way to have a chance to meet with and network with other paranormal investigation groups! We are really looking forward to being there and will be providing a door prize for Angel to raffle off as a way to help raise money for this beautiful piece of history.

For more information, please go to .

Happy Hunting!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gordonsville Exchange Hotel: A Civil War Icon in Danger

In the quiet little town of Gordonsville, Virginia there lies an important piece of a our history. As a Civil War icon, the Gordonsville Exchange Hotel stands on a little hill over looking the railroad tracks that have carried cargo and people from place to place for over a 100 years. Standing in its shadow is the original Gordonsville Train Depot. Although it is not in it's original spot (it had to be moved back from the tracks for safety purposes) it is in excellent condition compared to many other train depots that have gone unused for many years.

The Gordonsville Exchange Hotel started out as a beautiful rest stop for people to stay anywhere from a few hours while waiting for their next room, to staying a few night. As people would arrive by train to the town of Gordonsville, they would be greeted by a 3-story grand house surrounded by beautiful flower gardens and shrubbery. Unfortunately, this is a scene that only last a few short years before the Civil War broke out.

In 1862 the hotel was converted by the Confederacy into a hospital that was utilized by both the Yankees and the Confederates. As the war continued so did the grisly scenes of amputations, makeshift triage tents, and piled up bodies of the dead. The hospital was overseen by Dr. Lebby who also roomed in the 3rd floor of the hospital. His room is set up in a similar fashion to how it would have looked during his stay.

Following the Civil War the hotel remained open as the Freedman's Bureau Hospital of Gordonsville for newly freed slaves in need of assistance. In 1971 the property was purchased by Historic Gordonsville, Inc. In 1973, it made the National Registry of Historic Places. In 2002, it was named as an African-American Memorial Site.

Recently, we at Wayward were informed that the hotel and it's beautiful veranda's were at risk for being closed. You see, it costs over $50,000 a year to keep this wonderful piece of history open and running. As of now, the hotel is not meeting it's revenue projections. There are ways you can help to keep this iconic building open to the public.

1. If you are into the paranormal sign up for the nightly ghost walk tours. They are truly unique experiences and you won't be disappointed.

2. Visit and make a donation.

3. Spread the word.

Thank you for helping us protect this beloved building and the history within.

Monday, July 11, 2011

House on Woodland Church Road

Hey there fellow searchers! We finally got to do another investigation. This one was at a private residence in Culpeper, Virginia. What we found were a host of phenomena that were neither malevolent or dangerous. This was comforting to the residents of the home and I'm happy to report that they are at peace with whatever presences there are.

While on this investigation we got to try out some new tools. We tried out a new laser grid and Dowsing Rods. The Dowsing Rods are really cool as not only are they good for finding water, but they can help you speak with animals and with spirits. We tried them out and they worked out wonderfully.

We also had some new faces helping us out this time. Jonathon Butler, Jason's son, and Gretchen Zwerner, a good friend of mine. They were so wonderful and helpful. Gretchen worked with the Dowsing Rods as she has experience in using them. She taught us how to use them while doing this. Jonathon did a great job of reviewing EVP's and video. We look forward to them joining us again in the future. Three people of our team were ill and unable to join us this time. We also look forward to them being on the next investigation.

In the meantime, check out the evidence page for some pics and great videos. You'll be both shocked and amazed.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Video by Jason

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some Personal Experiences at Exchange Hotel

Hello everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't updated recently. The last month has been a little hectic with my son's and Brandy's son's birthday. But here are some of the personal experiences that our team had at the hotel.

Brandy: While in the lady's parlor, Brandy sat on the rose colored couch. As she conducted another EVP session, something decided to get her attention. Brandy felt her hair get pulled by someone behind the couch. Nothing appeared to be there. Could it have been the little girl being playful? Who knows, but it was welcomed as proof.

Jason and Steve: Jason and Steve conducted an EVP session in the old train depot. Just as they heard the train approaching, Jason stated "here comes the train, you'd better get ready". The EVP session revealed a woman saying "I don't feel very well". This was not heard by Jason or Steve during the session. As the train passed the depot, the station "came to life". Disembodied voices of past travelers filled the air around them. They described it as sounding like Grand Central Station with all the chatter.

Justin: While investigating the 3rd floor at the beginning of the evening, Justin got the sickening feeling that he was not welcome there. Justin is not one to spook easily, so if he has the feeling of being unwanted, it's a real feeling.

These are just a few of the personal experiences from that night. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences are different. Even though one person may experience a hair pull doesn't necessarily mean the next person will.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gordonsville Exchange Hotel: 1st Floor Photo Tour

Still Photo's from the first floor Main House
Photo's and video by Brandy